Visit the ancient and holy sites in and around Kathmandu, including the three main stupas, Maratika, and Parphing - see it from the viewpoint of its sacredness to spiritual practice while still enjoying the modern amenities of curio and coffee shops!
After this journey we will proceed to follow the footprints of Buddha - Lumbini, his birthplace, Kushinigar - where he entered parinirvana, Vaishali where he last taught and visited often, Rajgir - the site of the prjnaparamita, Bodhgaya - the place of Buddha’s enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, Sarnath - the site of Buddha’s first teaching 7 weeks after enlightenment.
Other important sites in India are visited like Nalanda University site and the Ganges at Varanasi.
13 December 2019 - 7 January 2020
Two travel options:
- 26 days ex KTM/Varanasi or
- 12 days KTM only
For information and registration on any Inward Journey with Khandro Rinpoche
Jane Miknius: / +61 402 368172
Download the flyer and itinerary by clicking the image below:
26天從加德滿都出發 / 瓦拉納西離開 - 或12天尼泊爾(其他日數請向我們查詢)
參訪加德滿都及其周邊的古老遺址和聖地,包括三個主要佛塔、瑪拉蒂卡長壽洞和帕賓 - 從神聖到靈性修行的角度參訪,同時享受古玩店和咖啡館的悠閒!完成尼泊爾的行程後,將繼續沿著佛陀的足跡朝訪佛教八大聖地 – 佛陀的出生地藍毗尼、涅槃之地拘尸那羅、最後說法處毘舍離、宣說空性和大乘般若波羅密多之地王舍城靈鷲山、證悟之地菩提迦耶、初轉法輪之地鹿野苑、那爛陀大學遺址和印度的重要聖地 - 位於瓦拉納西的恒河。
(英文) Jane Miknius: / +61 402 368172
(中文) Jan Chow: / +852 3175 3860